Thank You for visiting our website. We are now worshiping in the sanctuary and streaming services on Sunday mornings. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study are still online. Join us via conference call or online here.
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Welcome, we greet you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. We are a warm and friendly church situated right in the centre of the community, that has seen encouraging growth over the last few years. The first and most important reason why this Church exists is to provide an opportunity for people to worship God and I would like to acknowledge the tremendous debt this church owes to its past members and ministers.
We offer fellowship among all ages, as this church is the fellowship of God’s people however old or young. We have a thriving and faithful congregation of 300 plus and a Sunday school that gives children an opportunity to take a definite part in church life from their earliest years.
We firmly believe we are stepping out into a tremendously bright and hopeful future with so many possibilities on the horizon. We take this occasion to call upon God’s people to help by continuing in prayer, dedication, love and faith which will strengthen and build up the kingdom of God. A warm welcome awaits should you chose to visit in person.
God Bless You
Reverend Bryan Scott